FAQ - Frequent Asked Questions
It is true that rhinoplasty cannot be performed in summer?
No, there is no reason why it cannot be performed in the hotter months. If there were, it could never be performed in countries like Brazil and South Africa. It is, however, true that conditions like illness and convalescence are always harder to cope with if it is very hot.
It is true that after a rhinoplasty you can't sunbathe?
After 3 weeks you can go out in the sun and can also sunbathe: provided it's done gradually using a high SPF cream. What must be avoided at all costs is sunbathing to the point of burning the nose!
After a rhinoplasty is the nose more fragile?
For the first 4 months yes, and in fact for this period you should avoid sports that involve physical contact, in order to avoid possible trauma to the nose (elbowing, a ball in the face…). Once 6 months have passed the nose is no more or less sturdy than any nose never operated on.
From what age can you have a rhinoplasty?
Except in specific cases it is technically possible to carry out a rhinoplasty from the moment in which the facial bones have completed their development, about 15-16 years and up. However to deal with a change in one's physical appearance during early adulthood or late infancy can be risky from a psychological point of view and so must be evaluated case by case with much attention and caution.
Is the surgery carried out in general or local anesthesia?
This depends on each individual case also taking into account the preferences of the patient.
Usually the operation is carried using general and local anesthesia: in this way in the first hours after the surgery the analgesic effect of the local anesthetic remains. In other cases sedation is coupled with local anesthesia that allows you to operate without the patient seeing, feeling or remembering anything.
Is the surgery painful?
You will feel irritation, but minimal pain. It is very rare to have to resort to painkillers.
How long does the operation take?
The length of the operation varies in relation to the complexity of the case, but it is generally over in about an hour or an hour and a half. It takes longer for a secondary rhinoplasty, sometimes up to three hours.
How long does it take to know the results?
The definitive results can only be known after a period of a whole year or even longer in some rare cases. Even though a marked difference in the shape of the nose will already be evident immediately after the operation, it will take two or three months for 70–80% of the swelling to be absorbed, and the remaining 20–30% will disappear in the space of about a year. The tip in particular is always the last to recover from swelling. Moreover, some types of skin react better in this sense than others.
How soon can you go back to work?
It is best to stay at home and rest for the first week after the operation. After that, when the nose is covered only with paper plasters, you can return to work if you wish as long as you avoid undue physical effort, sudden differences in temperature, stress and so on. In short, office-type work can be resumed 7-10 days after the operation, whereas a more physically demanding job will require an interval of three weeks.
Is it normal to have black eyes after the operation?
Bluish rings around the eyes are a constant postoperative feature. The intensity and duration vary from patient to patient, but the condition normally disappears completely by the end of the first two weeks. It rarely takes as long as three weeks.
Do I need to have someone with me at home after the operation?
Yes, at least for the first night. Ideally, this person should be the one who takes you home after the operation and has therefore been instructed about the precautions to be taken.
What about follow-up examinations?
Unless otherwise indicated, the first examination, which is indispensable, and the second, which is not, will take place respectively after 7 days and 15 days. Another indispensable examination will be carried out after approximately one month, followed by others after 4, 8 and 12 months. There is no additional fee for any of the follow-up examinations during the first year.
How soon can I start wearing glasses again?
Glasses should not be worn for four months. If you absolutely cannot do without them, a very lightweight pair can be used as long as they do not rest on the nose. They can be attached, for example, to the forehead with a plaster. Contact lenses can be used almost immediately.